Advanced Browser Automation and Data Management Platform

Custom Software Development

Client's review


Our client, a company dedicated to providing entrepreneurs with powerful ecommerce stores to help them grow, needed an advanced solution to manage large-scale browser automation and data management tasks. The existing tools were insufficient, lacking the capacity to handle multiple simultaneous tasks efficiently and struggling with detection and blocking by web services. Additionally, the client required features such as user behavior emulation, 2FA verification, and real user typing imitation to ensure the authenticity of automated tasks.

To address these challenges, the company sought a robust platform that could simulate user geolocation, manage high-load Excel import/export tasks, and provide real-time progress tracking and management of background tasks.


We developed an Advanced Browser Automation and Data Management Platform tailored to the client's needs. This custom web development solution offered a multiple server Chrome browser infrastructure, allowing the handling of numerous simultaneous tasks without performance degradation. The platform included browser user behavior emulation, 2FA verification, and real user typing imitation, making automated tasks indistinguishable from human actions.

Key features included the ability to simulate user geolocation using a proxy, real-time background tasks progress tracking and management, and high-load Excel import/export with preview. These comprehensive features ensured that the platform could handle complex automation tasks while maintaining high accuracy and reliability.

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Multiple Server Chrome Browser Infrastructure

The platform supports a robust multiple server Chrome browser infrastructure, enabling the handling of more simultaneous tasks without performance degradation.

Browser User Behavior Emulation

By emulating real user behavior, the platform reduces the risk of detection and blocking by web services, enhancing the effectiveness of automated workflows.

2FA Verification

The platform includes 2FA verification to ensure secure and authentic automated tasks, demonstrating our proficiency in professional web development.

Real User Typing Imitation

The platform imitates real user typing, making automated tasks indistinguishable from human actions and reducing the risk of detection.

Simulate User Geolocation Using a Proxy

The ability to simulate user geolocation using a proxy enhances the platform's capacity to test and deploy region-specific features and services.

Our results

70% Increase in Automation Capacity: The platform enabled a significant increase in automation capacity, allowing the handling of more simultaneous tasks without performance degradation.

50% Improvement in Workflow Effectiveness: The effectiveness of automated workflows improved by 50%, reducing detection and blocking by web services.

40% Improvement in Task Authenticity: The authenticity of automated tasks improved, making them indistinguishable from human actions and reducing the risk of detection.

60% Increase in Region-Specific Feature Testing: The platform enhanced the ability to test and deploy region-specific features and services.

50% Reduction in Task Management Overhead: The platform reduced task management overhead, streamlining operations and improving efficiency.

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